I was at a conference I helped organize ten years ago when I spotted my first Blackberry. One of the attendees- a wealthy woman ahead of the curve on many things material – was using it to take notes. I was pea green with envy.
I went home and looked up the price of one. It cost way more than I could afford. I was awash in my unworthiness. The feeling persisted for years, really until I got me first iPhone in 2008, a full 5 years later.
Today, of course, Blackberry is in decline, with the company talking about spinning off its messenger business pending a potential fire sale. With the way it got beat in the app race, its “isolationism” and Blackberry’s many shortcomings, it’s a good thing I held out for the device that was right for me. (Love you, iPhone, xoxo). And, like many things I desperately wanted to no avail, I can see why it’s great that I wasn’t able to get it. I’m such a slow study that it took me 10 years to figure it out.
I am not happy that Blackberry is going the way of the dinosaur. Really, it kind of makes no difference in my life. I feel for all the business types that will have withdrawals from their Crackberries. The lesson for me is that sometimes things don’t happen for the best reasons, even if it takes ten years to figure that out. Oh, and also maybe that a material thing should never be a measure of worth. There’s that 😉
Read a great recap on the failed state of Blackberry on Buzzfeed. Click here.