Hello dears.
What have I been up to, you ask? (You don’t? Telling you anyway).
Website: I have been remiss in my posting, but it’s all for a good cause. Have you noticed the new pages? I did a TON of work on the website this weekend. I worked hard on the About THE SECRET SIDE OF EMPTY, and Praise for THE SECRET SIDE OF EMPTY pages. I added a brand new Events and Appearances page. I updated the Resources page and the Meet the Characters page (they’re not all in there yet, but we’re getting closer). and “About” subheaders (added a page called What I’m Reading and restructured navigation a bit).
Nature: After the heartbreak of the snow on APRIL 15TH (did I mention it snowed mid-April?) I am happy to report my garden has officially decided it’s spring and has emerged unscathed. I have four windowboxes and seven containers to fill in the front (and a gazillion more in the back) so I got started this weekend by doing 1 1/2. Also, there is a mama bird building a nest in a small decorative pine outside my living room window, basically at eye level (what are you thinking, mama bird?) and I spent an inordinate amount of time watching her. I also lay prone in my backyard and went for a wonderful hike at my favorite local nature area, State Line Lookout.
Writing: NaNoWriMo continues, at a better pace than if I hadn’t signed on to do it but at a slower pace than if I had someone feeding me grapes all day. Gah. Real life.
Events: Oh, and don’t forget, if you’re in the New York City area, there is still time to sign up for the panel I’ll be participating in this coming Saturday, April 26th. Fellow panelists include Daniel Jones, editor of the Modern Love column of the New York Times, Rob Spillman, editor and co-founder of the literary magazine Tin House and my wonderful editor Lisa Cheng. Click here to sign up and come to the cocktail party afterwards. I’m buying a new dress and getting my hair done professionally, so you definitely want to see that.
Lastly, note that the launch party originally scheduled for this coming Friday has been rescheduled for May 16th (because a girl can only do so much) so please don’t show up at the library this Friday. Unless you want to check out books, of course.
That is all!