Peeps, I can’t even deal with the excitement of this. Today I saw… an iris bud!!! What?!?
Every year, I am in a waiting game with my iris. I whisper to them and ask them please to bloom by Mother’s Day. Thus far, they have utterly ignored me. (Last year I’m pretty sure they mocked me by blooming the day AFTER Mother’s Day).
This year I’d completely given up on the notion of hoping for Mother’s Day iris since it was cold until so late in the season. But then this today! I can’t think what is different except that I’ve turned on the sprinklers a few times to help establish a few new plants I put in out front. But then we’ve had wet springs before and that’s never made a difference. Iris aren’t particularly into water. So who knows?
With a bud by May 1st… dare I dream?! I am sputteringly excited.