Far be it from me to step into a kitchen with the intention of actually preparing any food. I mean, eventually I wind up doing it, but it usually involves applying heat in varying degrees and nothing more. Anything that requires condiments or more than one step usually ends in disaster or, at the very least, a watery or charred mess that leaves me reaching for my cell phone and the number of one of my many trusty take-out places.
But there’s nothing quite like the optimism one feels after being recently returned from a trip, so I have decided to try again, peeps. Because hope springs eternal! Because maybe I have more than a water-boiler in me yet. So, yes, inspired by the beautiful Commander’s Palace in New Orleans, I’ve taken the step of ordering their cookbook. The last time I bought a cookbook, it was to learn how to make Greek food for my not-yet (now ex) husband. And we all know how that turned out. But, who knows? Maybe Creole cooking is the answer.
Anyway, if you’re intrigued to take a look at some of the most delicious-looking recipes ever, check out The Commander’s Kitchen cookbook: Click here