I had a great birthday celebration. It’s not quite over, since I have lunch with my fabulous agent tomorrow and a happy hour with some of my coolest peeps this coming Tuesday night. Happy hour is in the Library Hotel at a rooftop bar called Bookmarks, which I thought was an appropriate place to throw a birthday party this year (it being The Year of My First Novel and all). It’s in one of the buildings I like best in New York, as I’ve often had dinner in cozy and happening Madison and Vine on the ground floor. Plus I couldn’t resist a book-themed birthday soiree. If you’re in the New York area, come and share some post-birthday drinks out in the open air over fabulous Manhattan!
One of my favorite parts of my birthday weekend was playing with the hot new toy I bought myself, a gas-powered power washer. (Is that weird?). I power washed the heck out of my siding, my patio and my front walk. Next weekend it’s the garage (inside and out) and the driveway. Then, maybe I will take my power washing show on the road to my mom’s house. This machine has some awesome kick and it left my house looking brand new. Check me out in action, paying special attention to the “before and after” on the patio. To the right of me is “after” and my left foot is on the “before.” Crazy, right?!? Boy, did I need a thorough scrubbing myself after this job.
If this writing thing doesn’t work out, maybe I have a career in power washing 😉
It was a great weekend and I’m grateful for the birthday wishes. And, PS, the blog tour is going so well too! I’m glad I started it on my birthday, since seeing people react to the book has been a great gift. Welcome new Facebook fans and thanks for coming along on this journey with me!
For upcoming blog tour dates, click here to see the entire blog tour calender.