…And takes me with it!
I set up a new Twitter account strictly for Secret Side of Empty book news. I have not historically been the world’s best tweeter, so I’m giving it another whirl. (I’ve been so neglectful, in fact, that I can’t seem to recall the password to my MariaEAndreu Twitter account. And I no longer have access to the old email address to which it was associated). Argh.
My Tweeting shortcomings aside, you can follow my brand-new attempt here: https://twitter.com/WriterSideofM (Get it? Like “Secret Side of Empty,” but “Writer Side of M.” M for Maria! Because I have a writer side!). Or you can tweet me right for the right rail on this page. See? Look to your right.
Also – have you Liked my author page on Facebook yet? If you haven’t, you’re being left behind by the cool kids. My page officially hit 900 Likes tonight! Closing in fast on the 1000 Likes mark and still hundreds of days away from my book hitting shelves!
Lastly, I’m trying to figure out this Tumblr thing. Not exactly an easy thing for a site that’s billed as “the social network your mom’s not on.” Because, I’m sorry to admit, I’m your mom. But I’m trying out Tumblr anyway. Check it: http://www.tumblr.com/blog/thesecretsiders/
What’s that you say? You’ve never heard of Tumblr? You’re quite possibly not my target demographic. But I love you anyway. xoxo
And, lastly, I’m creating a Members-Only page to the site (check it out all the way to the right of the blue navigation bar up above). There’s nothing in it quite yet (hey, figuring out all these widgets is hard) but eventually there will be members’ only scenes from the book, deleted scenes, background info, answers to your questions, playlists of music that inspired me while I was writing and much, much more. It’s still a work in progress, so your suggestions are welcome. Email me at maria (at) mariaeandreu (dot) com. You know what to do with the (at) and the (dot). Because spam is a plague, that’s why.