Color me happy! I’ve finished writing book # 2. Of course, when I say “finished writing it” I mean it is now a cohesive story and what an editor would probably consider a first draft (although I’ve already done some editing on it myself). It probably doesn’t look like what it will eventually look like once the publishing professionals have helped me polish it, but I am super-happy with it and it is ready to go out in the world.
It’s the story of Quinn from THE SECRET SIDE OF EMPTY. If you’ve read TSSoE, you’ll know that Quinn has a pretty intriguing backstory. I actually had an entirely different book # 2 planned (and half written), but then Quinn intruded in my thoughts until I put that down and wrote her story. Her brother kills himself, her dad’s got a pretty big secret and she loves a boy who may or may not love her back. I don’t have personal experience with any of those (except the latter) so it was truly a creative effort. I just loved the experience.
Now I’m on to book # 3, which, at 30,000 words, is already on its way too. I love that character, Tara, as well. More on her soon.
Thank you SO much for you wonderful darlings to write to tell me you connected with M.T. and THE SECRET SIDE OF EMPTY. For those of you who ask, “What’s new?” now you know! Stay tuned for more soon.