There’s something so final about Labor Day, with it’s old memories of going back to school and ending the long, free days of summer. In true old(er) lady fashion, I am noticing that this summer sped by even faster than usual.
I have a kid starting high school this week (what?!? I myself started high school about 15 minutes ago) and another starting his last year of middle school. And I’m feeling the bumps of aging too: Monday night I got glutened so bad I spent most of the night in so much pain that all I could do was wonder whether I should drive myself to the hospital or wait it out. (I waited and it finally subsided around 3:00 am). It came from some completely unknown source… I basically subsist on eggs, yams and spinach now with the occasional foray into plain proteins. The only thing I can guess is that some almonds I treated myself to were processed in a plant that also processes wheat and they got contaminated. Now they’re sitting on my counter like a lump of uranium. Somehow the 15-year-old me never had to deal with stuff like this.
So, yes, the passing of another summer marks the spinning hands of the clock. But life is oh-so-beautiful. Or maybe “but” is the wrong word there. And.