Until this year, I’ve been telling myself that I have more life ahead of me than behind me. But – midlife crisis alert! – at 44 years old it’s getting harder to make that case. Sure, it might be true. Most of my forebearers lived well into their 80s and 90s despite living in a time and place with less health care access. But it’s not unrealistic to wonder if it might not be.
So, here I am admitting it… this might very well be the second part of my life. Thank goodness there are books to see me through.
I loved finding this list of “books for later life” on the Wall Street Journal. From a man who takes up cello at 57 to one who embarks on a solo bike ride across the United States to a new twist on Cicero’s “On Old Age,” every single one of these is now on my to-read list.
Click here to see the list.