With all that’s going on in the world, I am so excited to have a bit of good news to share: my upcoming novel, LOVE IN ENGLISH, has just been announced today and will be out in the world February 2, 2021 (book 2 of the deal will hit shelves in 2022). If you’re looking to skip ahead to the link to the Publishers Weekly announcement (including some juicy inside info on what it’s like to have your book be the subject of a publishing auction!), and to get a sneak peek at the cover (being revealed exclusively on PW) the link is at the bottom of this piece.
But first a bit about why this novel is so personal to me. As some of you may know, I crossed the border undocumented from Mexico into the U.S. when I was eight years old. (My family is from Argentina, not Mexico, though). I’ve spoken about that part of the story at some length. What I’ve talked about less is what happens after that, when you get to the place you want to call home, but can’t understand what people are saying, or what the customs are. LOVE IN ENGLISH taps into that feeling of confusion, of alienation, but also of delight and discovery. I’ve worked harder on this book than just about anything else, and I hope you’ll fall in love with Ana, Altagracia, Harrison and Neo as I did.
See the book’s page with description and more: click here
And thank you for being here on this exciting day!
Read the Publishers Weekly piece (which includes the cover reveal): click here.