The day I signed my book deal, I returned to my desk to find an email letting me know that my dating blog, 51 First Dates After Divorce, has been named one of the Top 10 Best Dating After Divorce blogs by! Woohoo! When it rains it pours.
Although that blog is now sorely neglected (I’ve decided I’m dating my book exclusively until it hits the bestseller list), it still is one of the most fun writing projects I’ve ever done. It’s probably one of the times I’ve most let my humorous side show in my writing, and it made it a great exercise. Despite my neglect, it still gets really great traffic. It was nice to see the blog recognized.
Here is what said about 51 First Dates After Divorce:
Maria E. Andreu is a writer, mom and divorcee who created 51 First Dates After Divorce as a funny outlet for others in the same position. Andreu blogs about all her first dates, as well as the heartbreaks, successes and struggles with finding love. Most of the stories are “upbeat musings” about what it’s like to be single again. If you’re tired of Starbucks dates, Andreu can relate.
See the full list here: