Two very important events will be happening this coming June 14th.
The first is that it’s the 200th anniversary of the Star Spangled Banner. To celebrate, on Flag Day the Smithsonian will be organizing “Anthem for America.” (Flag Day is on June 14th, and is one of those holidays that is always on a certain date and doesn’t float around to a Monday). This coming Flag Day, Americans everywhere will join in singing the Star Spangled Banner at 4:00 p.m. Click here to get more info. And mark your calendar so you can sing! It’s on a Saturday so there are no excuses.
I will be singing two songs that afternoon: the Star Spangled Banner and Happy Birthday To Me. Because Flag Day is always on my birthday (or my birthday is always on Flag Day), I have kind of a nutty feeling of ownership about the date. I put up all my 4th of July gear in celebration and my neighbors just think I’m getting a jump on the 4th. But you know my secret.