Hello there! We’ve made it halfway through this week. Here is some book news:
1. Yesterday I posted about an upcoming talk I’ll be doing at William Paterson University on Thursday, November 13th at 12:30. What I didn’t know when I posted is that it will be open to the public! Cool, right? Click here for details (it was brought to my attention that the flyer yesterday looked teenie – that’s been fixed). And if you’re in the area, come out! It will be one of the last times to catch me doing bookish things in the NJ/NYC area before I go into my “finish the next book” hibernation.
2. The next “bookish” thing I’ll be doing is a signing at the Annual Convention for NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English). So excited! It’s in Washington DC, so it’s far enough to be a road trip, but close enough to drive and be home within a day. Plus… English teachers! How can you not love a room full of book-lovers? Click here for details on the conference. I’ll post details on location and exact time of my signing just as soon as I have that available.
3. NaNoWriMo starts on Saturday. That starts for National Novel Writing Month and, as the name suggests, it’s a virtual event in which writers all over the country (and the world!) strive to write 50,000 words in one month, November. Tough, but not impossible. I’ve got two novels started which I can finish during NaNoWriMo if I put my mind to it. So please help keep me honest!
That’s all today!