It’s Cover Time!

I got a cover concept on Thursday. It’s being tweaked and should be ready to share in a few days! I also got my copyedited version, the one that will go to print. The copy editor was sweet [...]

Bad Mommy

Next week will mark the first time in my history of dog-mommy-hood that I will go away and my own mom will not be around to dog-sit.  But how hard can it be to get a dog sitter? Pretty darn hard. [...]

The Butterfly Garden

Last year, I went totally overboard buying iris.  I was handsomely repaid with an amazing show in just about every color of the rainbow.  I did my best to document the bloom time of the iris but [...]


Writing is a struggle against silence. Carlos Fuentes It is a rare moment when words are not a sufficient container for me to pack in the things I’m feeling. Words are in my marrow. When I [...]

Guess what girls!

There I was, texting with a new guy from Match. It was going so well. We’d quickly graduated from messages on the website to an hours-long text conversation about love, trying again, [...]


My Facebook feed is aflutter with the accomplishment of Diana Nyad, the 64-year-old woman who swam the 110 miles from Cuba to the U.S. without a shark cage. I may be a bit of a contrarian, but I [...]