Saturday was a day full of publish-y stuff. Here are a couple more pictures. And if you missed the last round of pictures, click here to check them out.
First, there was my book signing. They had to pull me “offstage” with a hook (my time was up, people kept coming, so I kept signing). Then it was back to the hotel to beautify for the shi-shi industry cocktail party at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. See the pictures below, one of me with my inimitable editor, Lisa Cheng and the second with my “publishing siblings” – the other authors with books out from Running Press this year. From the left that’s Eric Devine, author of the super guy-ish YA fiction, TAP OUT and DARE ME, Tara Altegrando author of THE BATTLE OF DARCY LANE, me, Bethany Crandell, author of SUMMER ON THE SHORT BUS, (which is getting tons of great buzz this season) and Leah Eskin, author of SLICES OF LIFE. So cool to hang out with so many talented people!
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