My gorgeous iris garden gave beautiful flowers this year. However, the rhizomes I bought three years ago multiplied and grew, so I knew it was getting to be time to dig them up and divide them to keep them flowering and blooming. Holy major project, Batman! I was reminded of the fact that I may have kinda sorta gone overboard (and I love it). There are hundreds of plants to dig up, separate and replant. There are too many to put back in the same spot where they were originally planted, so I am moving some to the backyard too. And, of course, my favorite part of being an iris gardener: I have also paid some forward.
So guess why I’m doing all this? (Besides to keep the plants healthy). I want to buy more iris, of course! I have been partial to the tall bearded iris until now. But the shorter varieties can sometimes bloom earlier, and the idea of having an extended blooming season makes my heart sing. Click here to check out the yummy options. And stay tuned for the next phase of the project!