Unleashing Readers

I always love getting a Twitter notification that a new reader has found my book and tweeted about it, but this one in particular delighted me. There’s a new review of TSSoE at Unleashing [...]

The fall of empires

December 14, 2166 – University of Edinburgh My junior year midterm thesis assignment: compare the fall of two of history’s empires Which ones I chose: the Roman Empire (509 BCE to 476 [...]

Baby, it’s cold outside

I can kind of sort of understand the overwhelm of some older (read: conservative) people in the face of a changing world. There was a time when complimenting a woman was a nice thing. Now it can [...]

The end is nigh

Almost everyone I talk to says they don’t fear death. I don’t fully understand how this is possible. We, collectively, as a species, exhibit a kind of existential dread, doing things [...]

Ode to the cat

As with most things feminized, cats are underrated. Too long the presumed purview of lonely, crazy cat ladies, cats are seen as the pet of the isolated and maladjusted, of the kooky and the [...]

Random thoughts

I don’t have a cohesive post in mind, but I feel like saying hi, so here I am. First, I am so “on” in my writing life, and I’m so delighted about it. Today I reached [...]

Cutting the cord

I have been wanting to do it for years, but I’ve been too afraid. But, on Friday, I did it: I got rid of cable. I find that reactions to that statement fall into two camps: [...]

Busta move

The text read, “Wanna try my hip hop class tonight? Lots of fun, great workout. $20.” I almost quipped back, “Sure, and how about some root canal afterwards?” But I am in [...]

Day 1434

One thousand four hundred and thirty four days left to survive until the next presidential election. They are days we must not let go by idly. Sure, it’s easy to relax, focus on decorating [...]

When America had one mom

The Brady Bunch ran from September 26, 1969, a year before I was born, to March 8, 1974, when I was three, almost four. It went into reruns after that, a constant in my childhood. Living in a [...]

Yes, it was racism

I have watched my friends and the media grapple with the question of why white voters flocked to Trump. People who want to believe the best in people (including most Republicans) seem to prefer [...]