Like wolves

There had been candlesticks and whispering in this room, full wine glasses and music. Dancing shadows on the wall, one of them tall, one of them beautiful. There had been love in this room. Now [...]


Yesterday I forgot my phone and hopped on a bus to New York City. Somewhere right before exit 17 for the Lincoln Tunnel, I realized it. It took three passengers to restrain me from jumping out of [...]

The dreamy idealist

This morning, a friend posted her personality test results on Facebook.  For kicks, I figured I’d take the test too.  My results?  I am what’s called a Dreamy Idealist.  When I read [...]

Snow day writing

Yesterday we got the most angelic, beautiful snowfall, perfect puffs of white floating in mid-air outside my window.  I worked from my living room and enjoyed them, a warm cup of tea nearby. [...]

Have you ever noticed

Have you ever noticed that we never quite realize the things that are going to change us or our lives in the moment they first come into our lives? We think we can control things, make things [...]

Book selfies!

[su_dropcap style=”light” size=”4″]L[/su_dropcap]ast night I got home to find a heavy and unexpected package at my door. I opened it up… books!!! MY books! I knew we [...]

Who Am I?

About 6 weeks ago, I finally crossed off a “bucket list” item and ordered an anthropological study of my DNA (I know – go wild, Maria.  What a bucket list).  Guess what?  Turns [...]


I am not a forgiver.  I am not one to let things go.  I am a chronicler of wrongs, a rememberer.  It is a habit I learned in childhood.  I can still tell you the name of a girl who thoughtlessly [...]